Sunday, 1 May 2011

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups? (Evaluation)

My magazine represents a particular subculture which is that of adolescents and under 30s who are very interested in music and the lifestyle that comes with it. Other types of media that interest this social group, such as festivals and gigs, were advertised and discussed in my magazine so that the magazine represents other things they are interested in too. Below is part of my contents page showing how I included this:

I also used costume to represent this music culture as fashion is a huge part of it. The outfit Giselle wears in her photoshoots are fashionable, and a female reader would appreciate the outfit while males would be attracted to her wearing it. My male models also had their costumes matched on musicians of an appropriate genre, and their fans who dress very similarly to them (the music culture I am aiming at)
This picture shows how I addressed fashion tastes of this culture:

To represent this particular culture, I also used the sytle of my fonts and graphics. I used font which is cracked and looked bold and edgy - this could represent the lively, rebellious nature of indie music and its fans. I represented the fact that the indie music culture has females and males by using models of both genders.

These are examples of people included in this music subculture (people at reading festival):

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