Sunday, 1 May 2011

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (Evaluation)

In many ways, my magazine follows the typical conventions of music magazines such as Q. The front cover of the magazine is very typical of this magazine. I used a very large, bold Masthead which would attract attention. I then used a editorial style mid shot photograph of a girl, and superimposed it onto the masthead as this is conventional, and suggests the artist is important. The photograph is of a convetionally attractive girl, making eye contact with the camera and confident body language - which is conventional. For the main coverline about the photograph, i used really large bold font which splashed across the page with a topic sentence underneath. The overall layout of the front cover is similar to those of Q or Rolling Stone. I desaturated the photograph so it is mostly black and white however i left the orange lips of the model bright orange. I used this as the centre of my housestyle and used splashes of orange in text etc. I used typical music magazine language for the sell lines, strapline and plugs on the front cover.

I used a consistant housestyle throughout the magazines - the main colours being black, white. orange and purple. My feature article is quite conventional, in an interview style article with a brief introduction. I used one of the pages as a photograph, like a poster. The title for the article is in bold and attention grabbing font, with appropriate language used throughout the article. The name of my magazine - CLASH - is conventional as musically sounding works are often used.

My contents page is moreso in the style of NME magazine, the layout is busier than the simpler styles I chose for the cover and article. I done this because, in my research, I looked at all aspects of many music magazines and preferred the busy contents pages of NME, and so I suppose in this way my magazine is not conventional - it mixes two types of style.

The main way in which my magazine challenges conventions of music magazines is the target audience - I aimed to make a music magazine which included more aspects of fashion and female artists that female readers would be interested in. I think this worked, as I used more fashion style photography to attract these readers, and wrote my feature article on a female musician. I do think that men would be able to be attracted to this magazine also.

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